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Wireless Orthopedic Surgical Marking Inkjet
Gediminas Ramanauskas, Matthew Dewell, and Paul Kalaw
This device provides an orthopedic surgeon the means to properly mark surgical sawing lines upon bone; reducing potential human error.
Nodal Cellular Jammer: A military jamming network and control system.
Jordan Roehl, Derek Molle, Cory Preister, and Jason Loutzenhiser
A wireless network that interferes with frequencies commonly used by enemy forces in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Smarter Library
Christina Dhungana, George (Ben) Hefner, Brandon Sulley, and Wenjun Zhang
This system will make it easier for users to navigate and use the library via automated check-in and check-out with mapping and search functions.
Jason Baumeister, John Edwards, Aaron Mills, and Kyle Schutte
This "smart shower" monitors and controls water temperature and pressure within a range set by the user. The system displays water consumption and encourages conservation through awareness.
CNC Foam Cutter
Ryan Lindstrom, Corey Whitley, Jacob Wertzberger, and Derek Meyer
This project is a computer-controlled foam cutting machine. It uses a high temperature wire to slice through foam to make various shapes and designs. It can make models for various applications, including aerodynamics testing.
UNO Bike Lock System
Tyler Chrisman, Scott Kenealy, Nicholas Spintig, and Ronald Tyson
This project consists of a kiosk for checking out secured bicycles using UNOMavCards. It provides monitoring and administration function abilities.
CEENBoT TI-Link:Making robotics education accessible.
Jeffrey Gann
This project provides an interfacing device for controlling a CEENBot with a TI graphing calculator.
Shopping Kartographer
Evan Freilich, Justin Kirkland, Timothy Growney, and Klaudio Lilo
This shopping-cart mountable device provides a real-time, interactive map to guide customers and employees through a retail store. The user can also retrieve product information and build a personalized shopping list on an LCD touch-screen.
Event: Senior Design Showcase 2017
Location: Peter Kiewit Institute (1110 S. 67th St., Omaha, NE)
Room: Atrium
Date: Thu., April 27th, 2017
Time: Noon to 2 p.m.
Contact: (402) 554-4991